Our News

                                        Polie our Polar Bear!

Our class have been busy learning all about animals who live in the Arctic. Such animals include polar bears, penguins, deer, the arctic fox and moose.Did you know that polar bears use sea ice as a platform for catching seals and other prey? Due to climate change and pollution, polar bears are at risk of extinction. As a gift for our class, Ms Smyth made a contribution to the WWF(World Wildlife Fund) and adopted a polar bear in the Arctic. As a thank you, the World Wildlife Fund sent us a package in the post which included facts about polar bears and our very own mini polar bear teddy who we have named Polie. 

Sarah and Eve dressed up as children in the Victorian times.

We enjoyed some role play and dressing up as children in the Victorian times. Schools were very strict back then and children had to obey by the rules that "children should be seen and not heard" We had a look at some of the blackboards that the children wrote on back then and some of the quills that were used for joined handwriting. The Teachers had a cane and a dunce hat was placed on a child's head if they were bold or didn't know the answer to a question. 

Daniel and Erin.

Some of the toys and resources that children had back in the Victorian times.

Lorcán enjoying dressing up!

The final pieces to the jigsaw!

Last week we had our beginning of year prayer service where each class in St Tiarnach's presented pieces of their class jigsaw under the theme "connected". Each child put their picture on a jigsaw piece and decorated it to represent themselves as part of the "St Tiarnach's Jigsaw". Here is a picture of the First class A and B jigsaw. :)

Spooky Silhouettes!

It is that time of year again where the evenings are getting darker and the days are getting shorter. This week in Art we created spooky silhouettes for Halloween using bright coloured yellow paint, black silhouette templates and paper plates. We had fun painting, cutting, sticking and looking at our final pieces. We created some spoooooktacular silhouettes!!! :)) 

Some of our Halloween art and decorations!

 This week we have been learning about the importance of wearing a seatbelt in the car. Seatbelt Sheriff provided us with some useful information about travelling in the car. We have all been encouraged to be the "Seatbelt Sheriff" and to encourage others to use their seatbelts also. We did lots of fun activities and received the Seatbelt Sheriff certificate and badge.

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